Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Lilies

Easter lilies are carefully tended to so that the "white flowers with hearts of gold" open up right around Easter weekend. Mine is being so good about doing exactly what it's supposed to do.

Flowers are amazing to me. They are instant mood lifters. They're a feast for the eyes and if you stop long enough for the nose too. Have you ever touched flower petals? They're so velvety! I am finally learning that even though flowers don't last that long, they are a good investment. They work in every room and have the power to turn a space from ho-hum to lovely. And you know what? Surrounding yourself with loveliness goes a long way from turning yourself from feeling ho-hum to feeling good. That's so worth the $6.95 this pretty little pot set me back.

I had fun moving my plant all over the house and even outside to get some good shots of it. It sat in my bathroom sink so that I could try to capture it with a dark brown wall in the background. It made a quick stop in my orange dining room. It lounged for a while out on my sunny back deck so I could admire it with the blue, blue sky setting off its white, white blooms. It traveled back in to my living room so that I could see it with the morning sun illuminating all its loveliness. Not all the photos turned out fantastically but a few showed off its inherent beauty. The best part? I went from feeling tired to feeling inspired. Definitely worth the $6.95 I spent.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Tulips, tulips, rah, rah, rah. Oooooooh, I love tulips.

I came home a day earlier than expected from my trip, surprising my embarrassed husband. He had intended to clean the house some and have flowers waiting for me. I knew that. I did the cleaning up part but told him flat out that he could still pick me up some flowers the next day. I don't believe in making my man try to read my mind; it's way easier (and less disappointing) to just tell him what I'm thinking.

What arrived the next day with my handsome hubby was a bouquet of tulips. Gorgeous hardly does this flower justice. I just drank in those colourful petals and went snap happy. If you take a hundred pictures, you're bound to get one or two (or even three!) that you like. These were my faves of those too, too pretty flowers.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Presqu'ile Provincial Park

The land is sleepy in March. It's just beginning to wake up from its long winter slumber. Its blanket of white has been cast aside but it hasn't quite gotten up and made itself presentable yet.

The sky never sleeps. It's constantly changing its outfit. It prefers blues and grays and likes to accessorize with white but every so often it goes dramatic and chooses reds, oranges and yellows and even aquas, purples and salmons. I lucked out and saw some stunning evening wear while at Presqu'ile Provincial Park in Brighton, Ontario. What a treat to see such vibrant hues after all the browns and grays the land had to offer.